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Minggu, 28 Maret 2010

♥♥ fallin in love with someone ♥♥

jujur gue gatau kenapa bisa suka sama dia,,padahal gue cuma ngechat doang sama dia,,,udah gitu dia anaknya jelek lagii.....ih kok gue bisa suka?? tapi gue suka sama orang bukan dari tampangnya..tapi dari sifatnya ...jujur gue suka sama sifatnya dia...anaknya kocak,baik,,ngehibur banget deh... ih seneng banget kalo udah nge chat sasa dia ,,,padahal gue baru nge chat 2 kali doang,,tapi senengnya nauzubillah,,,, semua gara2 games onlinee,,,,,,,dia baik banget sama guee...aaaaa semoga dia juga suka sama gue,,tapi jangan sampe yang lain tau,,,,,, AMIN

demi apapun seneng banget dan semoga bisa chat terus sama dia


Kamis, 25 Maret 2010

happy endings and sad

jujur, gue kaget banget pas istirahat,tiba2 musuh gue pada ke kelas gue, gue kira pada mau ngatain gue,,biasanya kan juga gitu,, tau2nya dia manggil gue,,pertamanya gue gapercaya,, pas gue nyamperin mereka,,mereka pada langsung bilang "FI,GUE MINTA MAAF YA" ,,,dalem hati gue langsung kaget gak kekira,,,gue langsung bilang,, gpp kok, gue gamarah sama lo,,hehehe terus pada mita maaf semua dan selsai akhir permusuhan gue,,,,tapi temen gue yang selama ini jadi temen baik gue pas gue dimusuhin bilang " fi lo main aja lagi sama temen2lo yang dulu" ,,, gue langsung bilang,, gamungkin lahh.... tapi dia ga percaya...pokoknya gue sedih banget,, tp gue bakal tetep temenan sama dia!


Senin, 22 Maret 2010


ah males nge postng nih,,,, perasaan campur aduk

Senin, 15 Maret 2010

not me alone

ternyata bukan cuma gue doang yang dimusuhin,,masih banyak yang lain,,cuma dia lebih parah,,gue kasian,padahal die gak salah apa2 (kalo menurut gue)....

Minggu, 14 Maret 2010


gue tau gue lagi dimusuhin di sekolah sama banyak orang,walaupun gak di kelas,tapi di kelas lain mungkin banyak,gue juga tau kalo gue suka diomongin yang jadiin gue jelek di mata orang,entah di fitnah/di apalah! tapi sih gue percaya kalo orang itu gak akan terpengaruh sama omongan itu, emang sih,banyak yang kepengaruh terus jadi ikut benci sama gue, sebenernya sih gue kecewa banget sama merekaapa lagi yang ikut sebel sama gue itu sahabat gue sendiri,pasti sekarang nama gue tercemar jadi "a girl who hated a lot of people!",sakit hati sih dikatain terus,apalagi di twitter, coba aja kalo boleh gue tonjok orangnya, orang yang nge-propokatorin semua masalah ini! padahal itu semua bermula dari masalah yang sangat amat sepele, padahal gue udah mau minta maaf ke die! cuma pas gue mau minta maaf, dia malah kata2in gue!! sakit hati gasih kalo digituin? gapunya perasaan?/ ga punya hati? mungkin hatilo cuma buat kucing kesayangan lo yang sangat lebai itu yak? oke fine, lo seneng kan gue udah dimusuhin sama yang lain? merasa dirinya paling bener kan? bangga kan? seneng merasa banyak yang ngikutin jejak lo buat musuhin gue?? YAYAYA gue hargain atas kesuksesan lo buat pada nge musuhin gue! lo bilang gue babu, gapunya temen!! tapi lo salah besar, gue masih ada temen kok!!!!! LIAT AJA,, suatu saat pasti lo yang akan kena batunya,!!! dan gue harus tetep kuat ngejalanin hidup gue ini !! bE A STRONG GIRL!

makasih atas bacanya

maaf kalo menyinggung/ ada kesalahan

i'm sory


date: 14-03-2010

Jumat, 12 Maret 2010

happy and sad

I am glad that my brother came home again, because he's been blurred. but the problem in my school that made me sad, maybe many who hate me, maybe they hate me because of the tell, I am very disappointed with this school

Selasa, 09 Maret 2010

many problem -_______-

sorry for my brother, he's so difficult now because there is a problem that kept him at home not at home, I also do not have the heart, all the family so sad, because the behavior of my father, my father was too harsh to say if he was angry, and brother did not want to budge, it happens serious debate and a long, finally came to pass conflict unsightly, and many other problems, that poor brother, I am very sad that this problem-___ -

Senin, 08 Maret 2010

maybe not everyone is perfect, but we can see our diki view of others. well maybe you do not like as well as for the likes of us, even so, we must tolerate tetat this world:), sometimes we can be sad, happy, confused, and others. even have a good experience we would also have a bad experience.

I know this is not essential reading, but thank you for reading, sorry if there are mistakes words

thanks all

Minggu, 07 Maret 2010

why I can like the same people again ya? but I've despised him tuh hold, well even though he was a former lover, but she has a boyfriend, and I do not want to disturb him, he's so nice emang person (even if not) he's just like fun and that's what makes me like it at him. when I was playing I had met him, I purposely did not speak to him because I was lazy with her, when I was playing and he wants to go home, he arrived menyubitku hard, actually I'm very happy (but I used to hate) and I immediately chased him because I was upset, I had to chase it out of the room and I got punched and hit his hand, but his hand was hard as a rock and I said 'hand it's hard, hand it what? " and he says "it nails, hahaha" and I also do not forget to laugh after him, well he went out and came back to the place, he arrived mengajaku play and I'm very very happy, but-___-ride because he was playing in place of another person , so just play for a while, but it's good enough for me. and once she sat down beside me, he had played my ass and he said "did ayodance game still time?" I say "abis I can not play something else, kalo dotA game hard,, huhuhu did the popular game that is now what?" he said "dragonica, here I am PEACE" kept him exit my game, I seneng sebel but also, and he made a way to register web id already exists. and still another long story .. .. hehehe There are also missing

sorry for writing the wrong and please proclaimed
thanks a lot for reading ,

whatever you want to call me anything, I do not care, why do I cry because of you? I'm very lazy to do that then, no benefits. crying just for me to be hurt, should not mind, struggling to fight the pain, it makes friends is not easy, but if friends were betrayed, for what sustained? It just made me even more sad, I'll try to enjoy and I fully expect that I could be patient in facing the trials that I could, maybe this is the best test of the gods, oh, do not also call me babu, so I asked someone who can casually as you? HAH? I do not want you equate me with the maid! did you guys who pay me money monthly? you who give me something to eat? drink? clothes? and so on? see, one day you'll be rewarded as GOD ALMIGHTY. and I believe all the miracles that

thanks a lot for reading
You think with you have lots of friends and I do not? you're very wrong! because the friend was not just 1 person or even you yourself, whatever you

mau gue kalo udah gede!

  • banyak temen
  • bisa tinggi
  • dapet jodoh yang paling baik
  • disukain banyak temen
  • eksis (?)
  • gak ada musuh
  • gak dibilang cupu
  • gak punya masalah besar
  • gak sombong
  • hormat sama orang tua
  • jadi pengusaha sukses
  • ke BRAZIL!
  • orang tua seneng
  • pinter
  • punya sahabat sejati
  • rajin sholat
  • rambut panjang
  • sederhana
  • sehat wal afiat
  • sukses!